
Empowering your battery smarter

With the AI based forecast for the solar generation and household consumption, Intellipower will make sure your battery power will be consumed by the orders of prices, eg. The battery will be used for peak, shoulder and offpeak. In the TOU tariff, it has estimated it could save the household around $200 - $400 every year for the 10kWh battery by having the Intellipower.

Switch to Discover Energy

Switch to Discover Energy saving more with Intellipower today

Discover Energy was born with the DNA of solar and battery along with the software technology. We have developed our in-house AI forecast for the solar generation and the household consumption, by partnering with a variety of our inverter and battery manufactures, we have developed Intellipower feature, which system can automatically work out when would be best to use the battery power according to your meter tariff and your consumption pattern.

How it Works

How to maximize saving with Intellipower

Intellipower would save the most with the TOU tariff, because the battery then will minimize the electricity usage from grid, which can in turn have the best saving.

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